Announcement : 

Welcome back to School!  Te Puke Primary starts again at 9am, Monday 3rd February

Senior Syndicate

(YRS 5 & 6)

Our Yrs 5 & 6 Senior Syndicate follows the values of Manaakitanga 4 Life. Our learning in Literacy, Maths, Science, The Arts, Languages, Aotearoa Histories, Digital Technology, and PE are reflective of students’ passions and interests. Learning is also guided by our school values: Kakama – Active, Kia Māia – Confidence, Auaha – Innovative, Kawenga – Responsible. Learners interact within a collaborative learning environment, which is responsive to strengths and next steps in learning. Students are expected to be capable self-directed learners, using skills developed through the Resilience Project and through our Achiever Values.

We have a fantastic and progressive team of kaiako/teachers, who provide a positive, caring and inclusive culture and have a strong focus on building relationships with learners and their whānau. The teachers/kaiako use a range of evidence-based learning approaches to deliver learning and most importantly teaching approaches that meet the needs of the learners.

Our learning focuses on developing skills for life, and preparing children for life beyond TPPS

We also offer many experiences outside of the classroom, including:

  • Ngamuwahine camp
  • Science and beach trips
  • Year 6 transition to Intermediate
  • Year 6 Leadership programme
  • Whole school Kapa Haka
  • Pasifika Cultural Groups
  • Specialist programmes



Arabic Arabic Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Simplified) Dutch Dutch English English French French German German Italian Italian Maori Maori Portuguese Portuguese Punjabi Punjabi Russian Russian Samoan Samoan Spanish Spanish